Back in the Saddle: Epic life updates, and a Wallaby friend

G’day friends and welcome to another week and another post! I apologise for being MIA on socials and blogging. I am nearing my deadline for my dissertation, and so nearly every waking minute is spent typing furiously. Hopefully I well get back to a routine once the editing process begins!

So given the time, I thought it would be wise to do a little life update!

Update 1: Physio and Gym

So I have really been paying attention to getting my body moving and continuing a healthy gym and health routine.

Since starting MPC (which you can read all about in my blog here! ) I have really found a nice routine and rhythm when it comes to workouts.

I train to my capacity and keep in my own lane so to speak.

Ages ago I got stuck into a habit of comparison like so many people, which turned into unhealthy competition mode for me.

So now, I am keeping track of my workouts for time, reps and weights used to trying to better myself each time. Have I kept up with the routine though? In the last few weeks I have prioritised Uni over workouts however I am making a comeback!

I was doing super well in the food department, however when the weather gets cooler, I turn into a carb crazy person. But I am working on getting back to a balanced diet as I feel better in myself when I eat cleaner.

I am seeing results in the gym thankfully with a pb of 11.5kg on cable rows and a 7.5kg lat pull down. My workouts are getting easier to complete without feeling like I am dying.

However, mindfulness and stretching are still in the ‘to work on’ column. I find I love workouts but getting me to stretch or meditate is more of a chore. Stretching is a must for me especially since I am sitting at my computer for hours on end, so I try to get up and stretch out my back and shoulders every 45 minutes or so. But It has been a while since I have done a yoga session. So I am hoping to get back to including some more routine stretching. My body hates me if I don’t!

Update 2: I am back in the saddle!!!!

Life update: I am back in the saddle! A photo of me riding a horse. the reins are red, halter is green and saddle pad is purple which matches my shirt peaking above my black jumper.
Nice action shot!

The follow on affects from the gym is massive!

I finally have been back in the saddle! I had my first lesson back for the year last week. I was so nervous that I would have been back to square one given I had not been on a horse for nearly 6 months.

However, it was literally like riding a bike. I felt like I had only been on a horse the week before!

All the gains and improvement in mobility in the gym with the physio and sessions with my Exercise Phys as well as the home workouts certainly helped my riding!

I could use my seat more and was able to have better rein control.

Did I still feel my legs for the few days afterwards? you bet! I forgot just how much horse riding hurts your hip flexors and adductors! Hopefully with more regular lessons, the pain won’t be as bad… I am really hoping!

I have been moved to an intermediate class as well starting next week, weather permitting, which is honestly fantastic.

Horse riding gives me that extra sense of freedom to be able to hike but with hooves instead of my own feet. I absolutely love every second of it.

Not to mention a nice way to reset the mind and come back to my never ending dissertation.

If you need a recap here is my first horse blog!

Update 3: Animals Animals.

Me feeding a wallaby joey. Her makeshift pouch is slung over my shoulder and she is sitting in my lap whilst feeding from a bottle
Do you see what I am bottle feeding? Isn’t she adorable!

I have been spending my Wednesday’s out working with all sorts of animals and learning how to clicker train dogs, lunge horses and work with a beautiful Brumby. I have learnt bottle feed the beautiful joey you see in the picture above. She was rescued after her mum was hit by a car a few weeks ago, and is touch wood doing really well and is super sassy!

This work forces you to remove your ego, and really be present for the safety of yourself and the animals you work with.

It has taught me so much about our own energy and how that impacts on the world around us.

Now if only I can apply that to keeping calm while working on my dissertation!

Update 4: Humbly Courageous

You might have seen the post yesterday, but this week I was asked by my good friend Amy to be interviewed for her Blog called Humbly Courageous.

For those who don’t know, Amy is my friend in America who happens to have the same diagnosis as me! She has a beautiful family and is the Ambassador for the Muscular Dystrophy Association in the States. She is such a great friend and is someone who is always supportive and understands my venting! Because lets face it we all have those days!!

Anyway, she asked me several questions on living with a disability and the lessons I have learnt in my short but adventurous 22 years of life! If you want to check it out I will post the link here.

I know that this is an odd blog post, however I didn’t want to go another week without posting something! There are some great things in the pipeline that I can’t wait to share with you all, and if you ever have a question you are more than welcome to send it to me via Facebook, Twitter or Instagram! If you ever have any topics you would like me to cover in the blogs, also feel free to let me know!

till next time, I am off to research International Human Rights Law!

Take care and stay safe,

Rhi xo.

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